Medicapp Pro new 5.2 version release note

Paris – June 9th, 2021. The main feature of v5.2 version is a migration to a new Medicapp Cloud V5 which is more “communicative” : it enables health professionals to get more features improving communication among medical teams and with their patients.

New :

  • Send customized medical forms or Medicapp forms via secure SMS (bêta-test) : customize your forms and send them to patients before consultation or for patient follow-up. You will give your patients ample time to respond and also prepare consultation or questions they might have for you. If you with to participate in bêta-test giving you free access to SMS, register here.
  • Cloud : improving performance of automatic synchronization of all files – photos, archived documents, scans, customized medical forms…
  • Sharing code available on all devices in order to enter an Organization for health data sharing among practitioners. Onboarding is much easier and user-friendly.
  • Strong update of customized form builder – add description or instructions; new consent form; import existing forms and pages into a new form, use Medicapp bilans…
  • Archive medical records and synchronization of archives among users from the same TrustSpace.
  • New register form


  • Speed-up patients’ list update
  • Counter of unsaved health records displayed in notification (red dot)
  • Reason of consultation and comments display in medical record and calendar on multiple devices
  • Fix of bugs related to multiuser account on the same device
  • corresponding doctors’ list – fix of empty doctors
  • Fixes in doctor’s letter : display, imported information, profession…
  • unselect photos and do not include in form final PDF

Instructions for Medicapp clients :

1. Save all data first on Health Cloud
2. Update your Medicapp Pro app in Appstore
3. Login as usual. If you forgot your password, click on “forgotten password”
4. Let the list of your patients get updated
5. Go to Cloud and save all data

Should you have any questions or errors, please contact our support team.

The new version of Medicapp Pro is available on the Web and as from today on the App Store.